[RESIGNED] Application: Legguar (steam name "js82jumper")

Recruited. Welcome on board.

Procedures you have to follow:
  1. Add the RKS Recruit tags to your name. Example: RKS | js82jumper [R]. Note the | is not a l. worst comes to worst, just copy paste that character. The [R] at the end of your name denotes that you are a recruit and will be removed when you become promoted to a full member (usually 2-4 weeks).
  2. Add me to friends on steam and once you do, you will be sent a invite into the RKS steam community.
  3. Have fun in RKS. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write in the suggestion forums.
Failure to follow these procedures in a timely fashion will result in the application becoming voided and your membership revoked.

I seriously suggest that you join and hang out in our teamspeak server to expedite the process of being promoted to a regular member. It will allow us to get to know you better.
added you to friends but i never got the group invite, added tag as well
Steelcat plays wow too! Leftist you should steal Dirtydeeds' spec. Or roll a warrior and steal mine.

BTW shovel
O um I didn't mean to say leftist it's this stupid autocorrect on my iPod, I meant legguar
I personaly can't stand blood and come cata blood is gonna be tanking.
Blood is one of the best Pve Dps specs out on the market currently, it scales well with gear. It has a simple rotation, being spam Horn/DnD to get Rp before boss fight, Trinkets-Hysteria- DRW- IT PT HS HS DS ERW HS HS HS HS DS. Repeat, and use CDs as they come up, initial burst has gotten me to 18k on toravon.