The Ship


New member
Jun 19, 2013
You have created a server for "The Ship", one of the best games evar. Why must this amazball server you have be locked and no one in it. Do y'all still play? Can we play?
Thank You
It was setup for a private one time event. Since the event is over, it could be unlocked or deleted at this point. No decision has been reached yet on what will happen to the server.

If we do decide to unlock it, then most likely the server will not be setup properly to people's liking. It's mostly on the default settings right now and I am not even sure if it automatically changes map to the next one yet. There's also no RTV or such plugins in effect. Perhaps if enough people want to play on it, then I could look into setting it up properly.
Hey, I started playing on yer server when I saw it was unlocked, being one of the only 3 servers.

Its changed since yesterday, I only recently got the game, but it appears all the Bots are now only passengers, which is great when the servers got 3 or 4 people in it, but when its quiet or its just me playing, apart from looking around the maps its not so great

Also theres no winner now. the map just changed without warning at the end of the countdown. I prefered the round based gameplay instead of the "you killed your quarry here is another"

Its your server tho so whatever, just sharing my opinion!
Server has been adjusted.

  • [CHANGED] Bot count is now 16 instead of 12.
  • [CHANGED] 4 Bots will now participate in killing.
  • [CHANGED] Max players is now set to 32.

Opinions are always welcome. Thanks for your feedback.
The NPC "Shipmates" should be removed when the server reaches a certain number of people. They are quite annoying.
Hi, thanks for the feedback.

Do you want them totally removed when there's a certain number of people on, or would you prefer to have them just be witnesses?
Hi, thanks for the feedback.

Do you want them totally removed when there's a certain number of people on, or would you prefer to have them just be witnesses?

Completely remove them, I'm not sure on a good number since the server is never very packed, but they are not fun to play with.

You should also reduce the number of them drastically when they are on. They are very dumb and tend to walk into you, block things, or will clump together and form a massive horde of shipmates.
Dear RKSzone,

I was playing the Ship tonight on your Chicago server and talked to a few people. Many of us miss playing deathmatch on the Ship, as all of the servers left are now Hunt. I also miss the little-played Team, Elimination, and World Leaders modes. Perhaps either the France server or the Chicago server could be set to deathmatch, or more preferably have votemode enabled so players can change the game mode if they get bored.
New server will be added in the Chicago location in the next few days (at the latest by Monday night) with deathmatch mode just for you. If enough people utilize it, I will keep it up.
Any luck? The team modes don't seem to work anymore, so that excludes them and votemode. Deathmatch seems to work though.
Is there any chance that you can swap Cyclops out of the map rotation for Cotopaxi? Cyclops is a very glitchy map. Corpses disappear after kills, so there's no looting; wallets and purses don't appear; weapons disappear immediately after they get thrown; occasionally the game prevents players from drawing weapons until time runs out on that game. Also, as of late the server seems to be randomly resetting while in Cyclops, which means that the server skips over several maps (Connemara, Krassin, and Batavier).

I haven't played Cotopaxi much, as your server doesn't have it and yours is the one I play in the most. As far as I can tell, it isn't glitchy and a lot of people like it. If for some reason you don't want Cotopaxi in the server, then could you at least just remove Cyclops? It really is awful and drags down what is otherwise my favorite of all of The Ship's servers.
I shall consider it. Cotopaxi was removed when it became apparently the first few days of running the server that it was causing random crashes all the time on it.

Thank you for your suggestion!