Well-known member
My brother and I share an account, him being older, he is 16. He usually takes my tags off without asking, and I never remember to put them back on. Will this be an issue? I Will eventually remember to put them back on while I am playing, but it annoys me that he just won't keep them on. I also like clan trolling, where when I used to be a part of another clan, we would troll TTT Servers in Gmod and say ours was better and get some hilarious reactions from them. Would this be allowed? I found a "Tryhard" clan that it's just full of doucebags and smart-asses. I wanted to troll them so hard, but I refrained, although my friend went trolling on them because he is not a part of RKS, I said go ahead. I would've liked to join him, but I did not know if that was allowed. Also, advertising the server or RKS in general was brought up by my friend, he was going to give the link but I told him not to. He listened and did no further trolling. He was later banned for a week because he killed an admin, even though he was a traitor. I wanted to wail on him like crazy, but again, I refrained from doing so again. What are your opinions on this? Let me know and for others as well.