[REJECTED] Unban Request: Zinthius


New member
Dec 15, 2010
a. Your In Game Name : Zinthius
b. The server you were banned in: Stranded
c. Around what time, what date you were banned on. 15th of December
d. Your Steam ID (looks like STEAM_0:0:12345678): STEAM_0:1:19913622
e. Your Explanation of why you should be unbanned : I'm not sure why I Was banned in the first place. I simply raided someones area with a Crowbar and destroyed a Piece of their structure. Then i was told by an RKS Member (He was who i raided, Not sure of the name) That i would be banned. If i'm mistaken here i haven't done anything wrong. Thank you. (I also don't know How Long i was banned for since i'm still banned upon posting this.)
The reason you were banned was for the killing a whole tribe without warning or there permission. Also, go so far as to attack and destroy a part of a clearly marked RKS member's base, but I think permanent ban was a bit too far. I have no hard feelings, its okay with me if you unban him. As long as he doesn't do it again, but that's just my two cents.
seems like you learnt a lesson since you posted this so i'm unbanning you.

but please follow the rules on the server.