[REJECTED] ๑๖ŋ๑ Nexus ๖ŋ


Jan 4, 2009
๑๖ŋ๑ Nexus ๖ŋ

# 13 "๑๖ŋ๑ Nexus ๖ŋ" STEAM_0:1:7954322 1:18:23 90 5 active

reson is prop pushing mutiable times and distroying my stuff I was a taxi driver.

At 11:15

I asked him to stop, he didn't.
wait, what. I want to see some proof. I have played with nexus loads of times on the RP server and he has been a great RPer and a great mayor. I don't see why he would do something like this. I would like to see some proof first or at least look at the logs before we ban him.
yea nexus are a great guy. you always need to complain on somthing Will!
I did not take a pic. I'm trying to help the server.

How does not taking a pics help the server?
In any case, i would say that Nexus is a very good RPer and for him to suddenly turn like this is unthinkable. He has seen other people get banned almost instantly on the server, and would know the consequences. I believe this is more of a personal vendetta then a real ban issue.
Insufficient evidence. you can't just say ban someone without proof. Hell, if that was true, then i can do say that you're a bad player and kick you out all without any proof.
Yeah uhh on a side note, this PY004 character was prop blocking..I dont have any pictures, but take my word for it
Nexus has been kindof a pain for me... No pictures, but he does alot of crap all the time
nexus can be annoying, but also can be nice. possibly we should temp. ban him, or give him a really big warning? we should have a temp. minge class that we can put him in, if it existed.

Well seeing as how it's about ME, I suppose I'll comment. o_O

In my defense, I DID prop push...Will's taxi.
He was running it into pedestrians mercilessly.
He could have easily flown it at a higher altitude, but didn't.
Mind you he wasn't moving very quickly (maybe 5 mph), but it was still doing minor damage and was rather kind of annoying, so, after a cop arrested him I used a board to push his taxi to the ground.
The damn thing slid right out from under it anyway, so I wasn't a successful prop pusher that night.:1:

The defense rests.
U win i say he stays i see nothing wrong with him he is a great Rper in the sever and the gunniest gun dealer LOL
On a side note, there needs to be an "edit post" button...hm.

I forgot to add that his taxi wasn't harmed by the failed attempt at containing it.
Also I CAN be a pain in the ass, as Gmoder indicated, but that's mostly when people are pains in my ass. o_o

I'm not a person known to dish out unwarranted assholery, though I won't claim that I never have...merely that the instances of such are quite limited.

On another side note, I'm thinking of filling out an application to join RKS.

On another side note, hi guys, I joined the forums! :D

On another side note...uh...yeah, I don't have any hard feelings toward Will at all.
I tend to not hold grudges...like...ever.
Though I'm not saying I won't respond in-kind to unwanted forms of attention.
I am known to retort to such things, or even rebel.
I am saying, however, that if something happens and a day or so passes by, I'll probably completely forget about it unless someone reminds me. Hm.


I've been really good about following the rules of the server otherwise. Except when the map is low on time and it's a declared RDM party...then I let loose a little, usually.

Uhhh...but yeah. Don't expect me to be one who just RANDOMLY prop pushes or something...I'm not like that.
About 98.4% of the time, if I do something, it's because something seemed like it needed to be done.
The other 1.6% can be blamed on the Human Monkey Gene, aka the "Shenanigans Gene." o_o

So...I just wanted to get that out there in the open, pretty much.
Nexus, you are a true man for putting everything out into the open and showing you have nothing to hide. For that I applauder you. I still strongly believe that Nexus is a great RPer and shouldnt be banned. I have done things like that before. For example i used a giant prop to prop block this guy that was prop pushing, and killing and wouldnt stop.
I see no reason why Nexus should be banned. Ban request rejected due to insufficient proof and overwhelming experience everyone had with nexus on the server.

As a side note, edit button is disabled for all but senior admins to prevent people from modifying their own posts for their own advantage. Same thing applies on the application forums to prevent people from changing their age, etc.