Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:12195804
Time/Date of BAN: 08-02-12 03:26
The reason I feel i should be unbanned is because it's been since last year that i got banned, and the incident of why i was banned I can't even recall of it happening because of the time period. But the reason of my ban was because of prop block then evasion, I feel something like that shouldn't be a permanent ban even though what i did was wrong. I guess i thought i wouldn't be playing on that server ever again but either way something so minor i don't feel it should actually be perma-ban. But i realized i was banned when i wanted to play with friend on a CSS server of RKSzone and i was perm banned from all servers just cause of the one on Gmod :/ so this is my request to be unbanned if possible "New me, New year" thanks.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:12195804
Time/Date of BAN: 08-02-12 03:26
The reason I feel i should be unbanned is because it's been since last year that i got banned, and the incident of why i was banned I can't even recall of it happening because of the time period. But the reason of my ban was because of prop block then evasion, I feel something like that shouldn't be a permanent ban even though what i did was wrong. I guess i thought i wouldn't be playing on that server ever again but either way something so minor i don't feel it should actually be perma-ban. But i realized i was banned when i wanted to play with friend on a CSS server of RKSzone and i was perm banned from all servers just cause of the one on Gmod :/ so this is my request to be unbanned if possible "New me, New year" thanks.