[KICKED] NBUnomad Here for recruiment!


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
A. My name is Kevin A.K.A [NBU] Nomad
B. I am 18 Years old.
C. My Steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:5494470

D. I play Counter Strike: source, Day of Defeat:source, Garry's Mod, Team Fortress 2, Moder Warfare 2, ETC.

E.I live in Illinois, USA

F.I have known RKS for 1.5 years and never joined, until now. I am widely respected in the server by many as a master builder or master construction worker, or master oraganizer, or just god like(lol:D). I am friends with RKS| Guppy, RKS|Young, RKS|Bernie Mac, and RKS|TB002. I am very experienced in admin control and server managment since i was a previous server owner myself. I have made the goal to get the trust of the whole RKS clan to become an admin in the server and i do understand i am not going to get it in 1 days, i don't expect to get admin at all. I have loved RKS and will be loyal to RKS for as long as i possibly can.

G. Yes, I agree:cool:
H. Yes, I agree:cool:
Sounds good to me, got the fishy slap of approval, signed, sealed, and delivered to the pyter py. :cool:
Sounds good to me, got the fishy slap of approval, signed, sealed, and delivered to the pyter py. :cool:

Yay! i really hope i get accepted. just have to wait for PY004's answer.

*thinks to self*"PLEASE SAY YES PY004!!!!!!"
Fireproofthor's supposed to do the recruiments. He seems to be busy lately however. I will make my decision tomorrow evening.

Okay thanks PY004. also there are some glitches i found in the gmstranded server. i will post in bugs section.
Recruited. Welcome on board.

Procedures you have to follow:
  1. Add the RKS Recruit tags to your name. Example: RKS | Nomad [R]. Note the | is not a l. worst comes to worst, just copy paste that character. The [R] at the end of your name denotes that you are a recruit and will be removed when you become promoted to a full member (usually 2-4 weeks).
  2. Add me to friends on steam and once you do, you will be sent a invite into the RKS steam community.
  3. Have fun in RKS. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write in the suggestion forums.
Failure to follow these procedures in a timely fashion will result in the application becoming voided and your membership revoked.

I seriously suggest that you join and hang out in our teamspeak server to expedite the process of being promoted to a regular member. It will allow us to get to know you better.​
Thank you very much PY004. may i have one request, Can i keep my [NBU] tag its my clan and i would like to keep representing it.
I don't see why he could do what I use to do A-Man. Put RKS at the front of his name and then move that tag to the end of his name, but for me that was approved by PY because PBU was my first group and was nostalgic to me
YAY! i might not be on rks alot for the next few weeks. # 1 i got a race and a this super cool tech trek in chicago and i got halo reach limited edition!!!!! so far i like it!!!!

Also PY004 i will try to keep in contact using teamspeak(i almost got to teamspeak during school