[BANNED] Fried Ownege Spawn Killing

Cpt. Grasshopper

New member
Feb 15, 2011
My Name: Cpt. Grasshopper
Defendents Name: Fried Ownage (Said He Would Change It)
His Steam ID: Fried Ownage" STEAM_0:1:11829672
Copy of Console For You Guys:
Redownloading all lightmaps
Bouncer: Just answer truley, what did we do? :|
BossyBoy: Grasshopper Fried is being a minge
BossyBoy: might aswell leave
Bouncer: Lol?
Fried Ownage: wait.
You're playing on RKSzone.com | US East | Garrysmod Stranded Server | FASTDL, enjoy your stay!
Bouncer: He started prop pushing us and them prop killing us.
Fried Ownage: the trolls prop gonna be gone
Cpt. Grasshopper: Just type
Cpt. Grasshopper: this !stuck
] kill
Cpt. Grasshopper suicided!
Player Badingo has joined the game
Fried Ownage killed Cpt. Grasshopper using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Bouncer: fried?
Bouncer: fried?..
Cpt. Grasshopper was killed by worldspawn
Warning: killicon not found 'worldspawn'
Bouncer: trying to get us out now?
BossyBoy: we shouldnt have been in there in the first place
Bouncer: after realising..
BossyBoy: ffs
Bouncer: now oyu wasnt?
Bouncer: you killed us all
Fried Ownage: i trapped you all for helping the troll.
Bouncer: Lol?
+\Ultraisleck/-'s props have been cleaned up
Cpt. Grasshopper: Copy and pasted
BossyBoy suicided!
Bouncer: so us chopping some wood and trying to play survival is helping a troll?
Cpt. Grasshopper: Bad Fried
BossyBoy was killed by prop_physics
] kill
Cpt. Grasshopper suicided!
Cpt. Grasshopper: Why dont i have any
Fried Ownage killed Cpt. Grasshopper using weapon_crowbar
*DEAD* Cpt. Grasshopper: Phys gun?
*DEAD* Cpt. Grasshopper: And what not
Badingo's props have been cleaned up
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Cpt. Grasshopper using weapon_crowbar
Player MeltaSmälta has joined the game
Player Librarian has joined the game
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
*DEAD* Cpt. Grasshopper: STOP FRIED
Fried Ownage killed Cpt. Grasshopper using weapon_crowbar (Start of the mass RDM/Spawn Kill)
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Cpt. Grasshopper using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Librarian using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
This server is running ULX Admin Mod version 3.50 by Team Ulysses -- ulyssesmod.net
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Bouncer: So fried after all we've said about you and all you go and turn against us for playing the game?
Fried Ownage killed Librarian using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Bouncer: makes sence..
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Bouncer suicided!
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
*DEAD* Librarian: ....
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Bouncer using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Bouncer using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Librarian using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Librarian using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed Librarian using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar
Fried Ownage killed BossyBoy using weapon_crowbar

He had atleast carried this out for 6-7 more minutes with help from a buddy that had prop blocked the spawn named Badingo.

Bandingo's ID: : Badingo" STEAM_0:0:23053491.

This is the server he left too after i stated i was going to report him and ending coversation: Fried Ownage: alright peace.
Player Badingo left the game (Disconnect by user.)
*DEAD* Cpt. Grasshopper: Alright guys
*DEAD* Cpt. Grasshopper: Couple more seconds here
Fried Ownage: Kay.
Fried Ownage: Have fun with that.
Fried Ownage: Even if i do. server=down (Saying he was going to crash it)
Cpt. Grasshopper: Its people like this that ruin the server :p
Fried Ownage: SURE
Cpt. Grasshopper: Yea go minge over there
Cpt. Grasshopper: You will be banned
Cpt. Grasshopper: :p
Fried Ownage: (Advertising another server)
Man that sucks...i played with fried orange for about an hour and he seemed pretty nice...someone was on their period :D