a. In-game Name: KoZ
b. Server: DarkRP
c. Time Banned: 10-15-12 at 11:15
d. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:14772968
e. Your Explanation of why you should be unbanned?
I should be unbanned because I never prop killed anyone or crashed the server. NuclearPancakes kept throwing me in the air with the prop so I threw him back with a piece of glass onto the gunshop roof. Shortly after the server crashed and I was banned permanently for crashing it when I didn't.
b. Server: DarkRP
c. Time Banned: 10-15-12 at 11:15
d. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:14772968
e. Your Explanation of why you should be unbanned?
I should be unbanned because I never prop killed anyone or crashed the server. NuclearPancakes kept throwing me in the air with the prop so I threw him back with a piece of glass onto the gunshop roof. Shortly after the server crashed and I was banned permanently for crashing it when I didn't.