[ACCEPTED] xXmikeXx7's app


Sep 26, 2010
a. DuckOnQuack
b. 16
c. STEAM_0:1:29184051
d. CS:S, G-Mod, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Alien Swarm
e. Newburgh, Ny
f. I know people in rks server and i play very often and its a great server.
g. I agree not to wear any other clan tags or join any that is not rks and will wear the rks tag
h. I agree to participate on the forums regularly (at least once a week) since I understand that it's impossible to determine who is active or not otherwise.
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hmm. i have seen him on before. he is quiet alot. but over all not a problem in the server. also sorry bout that one night on the 25th. that was my bro playing while i was helping my dad. so dont blame me for the major minging. i still findit funny what "the frenchies" said.(to understand this you have to remember what rubix was talking about.
the day that i was rdmed? its alright i share my acc with my bro too, dont worry about it
yeah. lol the french guys came back on today and started talking crap about me. lol they got pissed and destroyed some of my props. i didnt report them cause paybacks a bitch. so they got trapped in there own food forest. and i set it on fire. LOL sucks for them.
welcome to RKS you will be joining as a recruit.

Procedures you have to follow:

1. Add the RKS Recruit tags to your Steam name. Example: RKS | xXmikeXx7 [R]. Note the | is not a l. worst comes to worst, just copy paste that character. The [R] at the end of your name denotes that you are a recruit and will be removed when you become promoted to a full member (usually 2-4 weeks).
2. Add PY004 and me to your friends on steam and once you do, you will be sent a invite into the RKS steam community.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/fireproofthor also add
3. Have fun in RKS. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write in the suggestion forums.

Failure to follow these procedures in a timely fashion will result in the application becoming voided and your membership revoked.

I seriously suggest that you join and hang out in our teamspeak 3 server to expedite the process of being promoted to a regular member. It will allow us to get to know you better
alright! Do you want me to change my steam name to xXmikeXx? or can i keep it DuckOnQuack with the RKS | tag?
alright but sadly i got family coming for next few days D: so i might, might not be on... ill be on for a couple hours today!
LOL Yeah, Im still fixing up our central server.
Ran into a slight problem, so I need up wait until a faulty part is replaced and some parts upgraded by the datacenter.