o Jake o
- a. Your in game name o Jake o
- b. Your age 15
- c. STEAM ID STEAM_0:1:22149091
- d. Games you play: Gmod, MW2, Counter Strike, and TF2
- e. Where you live I live In New Jersey
- f. I use to be a former member of RKS by the name of Sober(I know that doesnt mean anyhing) That was taken away cause I didn't play anymore but now I am back to play. I also like a lot of the members here. I am probably not going to be remembered by most of you, cause RKS has changed a lot since the last time I've been here, hahaha
- g. I agree not to join or be part of any other clan or community and I will wear the RKS tags all the time (exception only to non source games) Yes.
- h. I agree to participate on the forums regularly (at least once a week) since I understand that it's impossible to determine who is active or not otherwise. Yes.