[ACCEPTED] Roflcopter42rar RKS clan application


Jun 11, 2012
My age: 16 although rather mature. Im an honors student so I'm not dumb and know how to follow rules. I check the Motd a lot to make sure i haven't broken any of the rules. I do kill others but only in situations where it is needed such as breaking into my gun store.
Steam ID: Steam:0:0:51465854
I do have teamspeak 3 although my mic is shit and because of dark rp im buying a new one.
i personally would participate on the website as often as i could. mostly because i play around 10-12 hours a day so i would be aware of what is on the website. I have played garrysmod for 3 years although not constantly nor on the same account but recentley I started playing multiplayer and now the only thing i do is play Dark Rp on the rks server.
I do Roleplay correctly if I'm a hobo i have a couch fort. I also would not walk around igniting everything I see. I love roleplay and as many of the members who are active would recall im willing to give up my money to assure we can roleplay correctly.
I live in Champion, Ohio.
Any of the members that may have found a problem with me were most likely due to my friend adam. He loves the so i let him play and he doesnt play all that right (thowing poop at jay constantly)
One last thing that may notable is if I am rejected I'll still play on the server everyday untill 3 am ;)
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forgot to add that i swear rks will be my only membership, period. it will also be the only clan this account has been a part of.
He's played with us all quite a bit, and now that he's getting more involved by joining our TS3 Server and other things, Were getting to know him better. I saw we let him into the RKS community.
welcome to RKS you will be joining as a recruit.

Procedures you have to follow:

1. Add the RKS Recruit tags to your Steam name. Example: RKS | Roflcopter42rar[R]. Note the | is not a l. worst comes to worst, just copy paste that character. The [R] at the end of your name denotes that you are a recruit and will be removed when you become promoted to a full member (usually 2-4 weeks).
2. Add PY004 and me to your friends on steam and once you do, you will be sent a invite into the RKS steam community.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/fireproofthor also add
3. Have fun in RKS. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write in the suggestion forums.

Failure to follow these procedures in a timely fashion will result in the application becoming voided and your membership revoked.