S S Shamiz Jun 7, 2010 Brought up raid times idea, sound hopeful, still thinking about it 2 days a week 8pm to 11pm our time
Brought up raid times idea, sound hopeful, still thinking about it 2 days a week 8pm to 11pm our time
E E Ethan Pow Jun 17, 2009 House you need to resignup on the website because your old login was for the old forums that was deleted. so ya....
House you need to resignup on the website because your old login was for the old forums that was deleted. so ya....
S S Shamiz Dec 31, 1969 OK I lied, lets just do the eye, look at all the sick tank gearshttp://www.wowhead.com/?zone=3842
S S Shamiz Dec 31, 1969 Lets try getting a SMART BT, yes Black Temple, or maybe GL or The Eye today. I may actually be able to use some of the loot
Lets try getting a SMART BT, yes Black Temple, or maybe GL or The Eye today. I may actually be able to use some of the loot
D D DirtydeedsDUN2u Dec 31, 1969 yo for this wotlk server u guyz have i will have 1 test account name challad pass smith394 with extra mayo pl0x
yo for this wotlk server u guyz have i will have 1 test account name challad pass smith394 with extra mayo pl0x